Innovation Space
Seatec & Compotec Marine 2023 reserve a space dedicated to Innovation Companies.
Innovation Companies are a Seatec strategic key point. The Innovation Space gives new entrepreneurs the opportunity to present their product and business idea through a dedicated Elevator Pitch.
The Innovation Space is open to all young companies who want to find an opportunity for dialogue with the Marine Industry supply chain.
Virtual Stand
Presence of innovation companies in the Virtual Exhibition with their own Virtual Stand and interaction features via Chat, Live Request, Live Meeting in video-call mode.

Innovation Space
Presence with a dedicated Desk in the Seatec & Compotec Marine 2023 Innovation Space

Online Video Meeting
Live meetings with potential customers to be carried out via video-call on the digital platform of the Fair.
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch in presence, through which Innovation Companies can introduce their business, innovative products & services known and can meet potential customers.