Seatec – Compotec Marine, the exhibition of technology, components, design, subcontracting and composite materials applied to pleasure boating, the only event in Italy dedicated to industry conceived and promoted by IMM CarraraFiere organizes five conferences during the two days of 17 and 18 March.

State concessions
Concession regime for marinas and tourist ports
17 March h 10:30 – 13:00 – Area Eventi Pav. C ASSONAT
Organized by Assonat, National Association of Landing and Tourist Ports, member of Confcommercio
- Luciano Serra, president of Assonat
- Mario Sommariva, president of Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale
Boating is not just large yachts, but above all large fleets of small boats. The role of tourist ports in the state property, from mooring points to ports. Tourist ports as a value in the territory and attractiveness of different types of tourism.
In Bolkestein law there are no marinas, as they are built on the water, but the marinas are subject to the concession regime that will be revised to coincide with the application of ther Bolkestein law.
New trends with MYDA and Qualitec Technology & Design
17 March: h 14:30 – 17:00 – Area Eventi – Pav. C
Conference on yacht design trends, in conjunction with the MYDA Millennium Yacht Design Award prize giving ceremony, the Seatec’s award to professional and novice designers.
- Davide Cipriani owner of Centrostiledesign, sponsor of the 2022 edition of Myda;
- Andra Ratti, director of the Master in Yacht Design at the Politecnico di Milano;
- Ivan Zignego, professor at the Nautical University Center of La Spezia;
- Marco Amadio, director of the Master in Yacht Design of the Quasar Institute in Rome;
- Sergio Buttiglieri, director of the Sanlorenzo Projects Office.
Recycling of materials and their use within the reuse chain
18 March h 10:00 – 11:30 – Area Eventi Pav. C
- Laura Saviano, co-founder and General Manager of Korek
- Fabio Bignolini, Chief Operations Officer, Northern Light Composites
- Sergio Abrami, yacht designer
Boating & Disability
18 March h 11:30 – 13:00 – Area Eventi Pav. C
- Marco Rossato, disabled who sailed around Italy in the company of his dog;
- Eleonora Delnero, climber and kayak enthusiast;
- Andrea Nocellin, designer of Revolve Air, a wheelchair with a revolutionary design and made of carbon composite, which will be produced in small series to be tested by users.
Alternative fuels and “eco-sustainable” engines
18 March h 14:00 – Area Eventi – Pav. C
- Barbara Amerio, owner of Permare
- Paolo Bertetti, R&D Area Director at Sanlorenzo
- Romualdo Ruotolo, Manager H2System Engineering Punch HydroCells
- Paolo Olivieri, H2Boat
- Giorgio Caviglia, Sealence